Thursday, April 30, 2009

Me, Myself and I and hopfully a reader

My first real blog eh.....
Well I should probably go on about life and so on and so forth. But then again my life is not all that excited. Im just a kid, well a teenager. Forced to listen and learn but its good for me right? Im not a unusual child other then i like to get my head punched in for fun. yes boxing the sweet science some say. It truly is sweet. The purest form of sport, Make them miss, make them pay. seems easy enough. Truth is i love the sport. But i want a brain when im 50 years old. all the punishment i am enflicting willingly on my self must be for something. The families approval? no.Popularity at school? no. I think its something inside of me something really deep. It has an effect on me to want to exceed others to conquer and by breaking a full grown mans ribs i feel that power the same power caeser must have felt, well maybe a tad less.Im sure he has broke a few ribs in his day.
What do I want in life.... hmmm. well I would like to pursue my career of being a punching bag with arms. but if that does not work out i want to write. For a newspaper or Magazine. Possibly even write a novel! wouldnt that be grand! My name on a mass produced book. Sitting in libraries all over the world! I would sleep great knowing my work, My baby so to speak is in the palm of someones hand as they soak up all the phrases and adventures my twisted head thought up and thrusted onto a piece of paper. Maybe even write a script be the next Speilberg im still young if i put my mind to something i can make it happen. Well so i have been told.
With this little step though it should boost my confidence. It has already been lifted actually because apperently blogging takes more skill then writing a novel. i highly disagree but if someone says it on the interent it must be true. "This just in flying pigs are attacking New York City ". You heard it from me first, tell your freinds! Well atleast for the poor fellows in NYC if the pigs dont get them the swine flu wont cause they found a cure which is good news. Woah. sorry for going off topic.back to writing.....I want to be a writer and blogging is going to help me develop skills and relations with other writers which is good.I am not entirely ready to write a novel. Well i dont think i am. Theres to much work Involved and im lazy. But it is my dream I have always had trouble with writing diologue though. its always something i have never been able to put my finger on. I dont know why. I talk to people every day but for some reason i ahve troubles giving my characters things to say. Maybe i should jsut write a book about a man on a island. Dang! then i would have to write about him talking to a deflated Volleyball with blood smeared on it.
In Conclusion, i hope to write a new blog Everyday and get people interested in my Writing. Please do not leave hate ful comments for this is my first time and there is still room for improvement, i know i know.

Please Comment and follow
P.S- How do I make my Layout fancy like some of you guys out there


Lillian Robinson said...

Well, if you know HTML you can make your blog as fancy as you want. I use layouts from, then 'tweek' them to suit my fancy with my own graphics.

I agree on the dialog being the hardest. My girlfriend wanted me to do the dialog for her book because she has a hard time with it. ROFL! I told her, "yeah, so?" Practice!

As for being ready to write a book, blogging is good exercise, but using Word can really help you improve your grammar, puncuation and sentence structure. You can write your blogs in MS Word and then 'copy/paste' them to your blog. It will point out errors and give you examples of how to fix them... Be careful though, the computer doesn't always do it right!

Yeah, save your brain!

Riceman said...

I do all my work on a Compaq Lap top and it comes with a 25 time MS word free trial it tells me to put in the product key but i dont have it i need MS word though. The writing Program i use is Open Office and it kinda sucks!